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      So you have ADHD? Here’s how FLOWN can help

      FLOWN exists to help people not just get more work done, but feel good doing it.

      We help neurodiverse people find focus and accountability through our live deep work sessions and on-demand experiences. Let’s take a closer look at how, and why, FLOWN can transform your relationship with work.

      For some, having ADHD can feel like a life sentence. How are you supposed to achieve the dizzying heights of your potential, when you can’t even sit still? Individuals with untreated ADHD are often overlooked for promotions or high-paid positions and have a higher rate of unemployment.

      But we think the key word here is untreated.

      There are plenty of incredibly successful people with ADHD, from Richard Branson to Simone Biles who’ve learnt how to manage and even thrive with their ADHD. FLOWN can be a huge part of that learning, creating a supportive environment and community for those with ADHD to stay motivated and best utilize their unique skills.

      If you struggle with poor planning and low focus…

      Experts describe the ADHD brain as being in a “reward deficit” meaning it’s always looking for the next dopamine hit. At work, this can be a problem when an employee with ADHD has to tackle a boring or repetitive task. Or if companies are planning for the next quarter, whilst someone with ADHD just wants to get on with an exciting task right now.

      …try out the benefits of body doubling

      Body doubling simply means working alongside another person to help you remain focused.  The body double creates a physical anchor which can reduce hyperactive behaviour and create accountability.

      Body doubling emerged as a productivity strategy out of ADHD support groups. A boring task like writing a report can be novel when written alongside others, or a tricky task like practising a presentation becomes bite-sized and approachable.

      FLOWN utilizes the power of virtual body doubling. By working together on Zoom we create a community of equals that holds every participant accountable for their goals.

      “FLOWN is perfect to focus on big tasks. I get the headspace to get stuck in without being distracted by calls and emails. I get work done in less time than it would take me previously just by cutting out the distractions.”

      - Ashleigh Kelly, Head of Finance

      If time blindness threatens your productivity …

      People with ADHD often struggle to estimate time correctly. This might look like struggling to separate the day into morning, afternoon and evening, understanding how long a task will take, or noticing how much time has passed.

      This can lead to problems at work like missing deadlines and procrastinating. Which doesn’t exactly make you the most popular person.

      … experience the effects of time blocking

      Time blocking is a way to structure and organize time, which can be a challenge for those with ADHD. It involves breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces and scheduling "blocks" of time for each task, where you won’t focus on anything else.

      In fact, a 2015 University of California study found it can take more than 23 minutes to fully regain focus following a distraction. This is due to what’s known as 'attention residue' – whereby the brain struggles to fully move on from the interruption. This phenomenon has been shown to reduce productivity across the workday by up to 40%.

      By participating in a Flown focus session, called a 'Flock', you are innately blocking out your time and monotasking. For those with ADHD this can be life-changing, as it's so easy for the ADHD brain to get distracted and try to do multiple things at once.

      “I’ve got severe ADHD so my work is often interrupted and I frequently feel overwhelmed. FLOWN helps me work calmly, get through my admin, and achieve more than I’d do on my own.”

      - Patricia Bidi Artist

      🗨️ Don’t know what a ‘Flock’ is?

      Flocks are our virtual coworking sessions. Great for boosting focus and productivity, so that you can get more done, more easily.

      When you can’t face the day and want to hide away…

      People with ADHD often feel the need to hibernate and recharge, as their usual switched-on mode takes up lots of energy. There’s also a mental toll that comes with not feeling like you fit in. In today's hyper-optimized world, it can feel downright shameful to not be productive.

      … community with compassionate accountability can help

      Those 5 minutes at the beginning of each Flock to set your intentions are there for a reason. And the reason we share it amongst small groups?

      Flown’s community has grown with human connection and growth at its heart from day one, so all our Flownies feel confident, motivated and empowered to achieve their goals.

      There’s a science behind FLOWN don’t you know?

      In fact, a 2010 study found that the probability of completing a goal increased massively when the intention to achieve it was shared with someone, especially when done at a mutually agreed upon time.

      “[FLOWN] increases my confidence [and] has completely changed how I work. A few hours of really meaningful deep work helps me feel like I’m really achieving something. I’m more productive now than I have been for a long time.”

      - Hari Berrow, PhD student and scriptwriter

      So what happens in a flock session?

      Flocks are our flagship online deep work sessions designed to free workers from distraction, fill them with motivation and get more done than they ever thought possible.

      The session opens with one of our expert facilitators guiding participants through a smart intention setting practice for the session. The Flock then breaks off into smaller groups giving people the chance to meet other Flownies and share their goals for the next two hours.

      How Flocks work

      Your facilitator will then remind you to get rid of all distractions, from turning off Slack to taking pets out of the room. Participants are also encouraged to leave themselves on gallery mode to keep their community of fellow workers in the session visible.

      After a midway break in the session where our coach will guide everyone through a recharge activity, Flownies regroup at the end to discuss what went well, what could have gone better and how focused they were.

      And the results of Flocks speak for themselves…

      “I have grappled with ADHD all my life. I find the FLOWN structure really helpful in encouraging and stimulating productivity throughout my working week. It's helped me progress through some intense episodes of distraction and procrastination.”

      - Ivan Carr (Managing Director)

      FLOWN’s community is at the heart of everything we do.

      Our team of coaches are always finding new ways to add a little sparkle to people’s working days, and reflect on their creative wellness. Rather than utilizing deep work as a way to work harder and longer than ever, we promote balance and creative well-being in Flownies' lives, and believe deep work is the key to working smart.

      And over 95% of members agree FLOWN has helped them to do exactly this, allowing them to focus more easily to get more done, and feel good doing it — especially those with ADHD.

      Our members end every week on a high knowing they're in control of their work – feel pride not fried on Friday!

      “The app provides various options to work in ‘Flocks’, as well as meditate and ruminate with people of all ages and professions across the world so you stay on task and accountable. It’s become my biggest concentration hack in the WFH era.”

      - L'Oréal Blackett (Journalist and ADHD professional)

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