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    Meet the FLOWN community

    "This isn't hustle culture. This is human." - Amanda

    FLOWN helps you do you best work, manage your workload, and feel contented with what you achieve. But don't just take it from us. Meet some of our most enthusiastic converts…

    Peek and be inspired by stories from our community. Discover how they use FLOWN in their daily life and discover the magic of flow and focus through their eyes.

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    “I COULD NOT get started on projects. I was leading my team well, but my own work was impossible to start. Work that I was excited about, work that I love to do... with FLOWN, I went from a dark place with zero confidence to a place where I am so confident now. And it happened so fast. A literal flip of a switch.”

    ~ Amanda Reynhart, Designer and Entrepreneur

    Read Amanda's story

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    "Sprint towards progress"

    I love FLOWN and encourage my team to get stuck into the platform. We use Flocks to focus together and sprint towards progress. It's a no-brainer because it boosts their achievement and sense of wellbeing.

    Dan Murray

    Co-founder, Heights

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    "Achieve more than I'd do on my own"

    I've got severe ADHD so my work is often interrupted and I frequently feel overwhelmed. FLOWN helps me work calmly, get through my admin, and achieve more than I'd do on my own.

    Patricia Bidi


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    "Increases my confidence"

    FLOWN has completely changed how I work. A few hours of really meaningful deep work helps me feel like I’m really achieving something. I'm more productive now than I have been for a long time.

    Hari Berrow

    PhD student & scriptwriter

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    "Focus on big tasks"

    FLOWN is perfect to focus on big tasks. I get the headspace to get stuck in without being distracted by calls and emails. I get work done in less time than it would take me previously just by cutting out the distractions.

    Ashleigh Kelly

    Head of Finance

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    "Block out distractions"

    As a developer, I really value being able to block out distractions and work in a focused way, uninterrupted, for blocks of time. I find Awe Walks great for switching off, too!

    Jonander Elosua

    Full-stack developer

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    Our members are doing deep work better than they ever thought possible, thanks to the FLOWN toolkit and community. Try it out now…
