Five reasons to stay with FLOWN

    Not sure about renewing your membership?

    Here's our pitch to keep you!

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    πŸ₯Š A month at some gyms cost more than a whole year of FLOWN membership.

    And no shouty personal trainer is going to help you be as productive, fulfilled, and mentally strong as FLOWN's round-the-clock focus sessions.

    Here's our top five reasons to stay…

    1. Flocks

    With 100+ hours of scheduled weekly focus sessions, FLOWN membership means you'll never be without an accountability buddy and you can work to your own schedule.

    If you value accountability and community, the 'cost-per-use' can work out pretty well, even if you use it infrequently sometimes.

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    2. Drop-Ins

    An all-day silent co-working room you can join and leave at any time you like with no pressure or commitment.

    Start ticking off your to-do list without dealing with no-shows, unreliability, or schlepping to a coffee shop to be with people.

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    3. Recharge

    Short sessions designed to set you up for a focused and fulfilling day. Weekly, epic breathwork sessions. Meditation, Awe Walking and even short creative refreshes.

    All this would cost a small fortune if you sought it from the 'wellness industry'. With FLOWN, it's all included.

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    4. Trained facilitators

    At the heart of FLOWN are the charismatic personalities that guide our live experiences and provide the space for you to do your best work.

    Amongst our family of 20+ facilitators you'll find storytellers, breathwork coaches, productivity pros, mindfulness masters, writers, yogis, creatives and many more. Keep these folks in your life πŸ˜‰

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    5. Development speed

    We're going like the clappers developing FLOWN, in recent months we've launched

    πŸ“† 24/7 Drop-Ins

    ♾️ Seamless integration with your personal calendar

    😍 Community Sessions

    🎧 Awesome partnerships

    Everything we do is centred around our mission to enable focus and flow for our community, to help people get more done, and feel good doing it.

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    No action needed if you decide to renew. You're all set to continue with FLOWN for another year. If you want to change your subscription, go to your Account Settings.
