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    Try body doubling for ADHD

    Unlock your full potential

    Transform the way you work, study, and accomplish tasks with our body doubling focus sessions.

    Our focus sessions are specifically designed to support individuals with ADHD and other neurodivergencies.

    Enhance focus and productivity

    Work alongside like-minded individuals committed to getting things done and experience the power of collective focus.

    Feel accountable and supported

    Our sessions give you a virtual community to work-alongside. You’ll discover many other professionals who share your challenges.

    Add structure
    to your day

    Stay on task and overcome distractions and create a consistent routine with the right balance of structure and flexibility.

    Different ways to focus

    Deep Dive icon

    Deep Dive

    5 sessions per day
    A 2-hour virtual focus session with goal setting to a small group and a guided break activity.

    How it works

    • Welcome from your facilitator

    • Goal setting in breakout rooms

    • 50 minutes of silent focus

    • Optional guided break activity

    • 50 minutes of silent focus

    • Goal reflection in breakout rooms

    • Leave the session feeling a sense of progress

    What to expect

    🗣 20-60 fellow members
    🗣 Breakout rooms of 3-4 members
    🎤 Microphone required
    📷 Camera recommended
    💻 Run on Zoom

    Power Hour icon

    Power Hour

    2 sessions per day
    A 1-hour virtual focus session with less interaction and goal setting in the chat.

    How it works

    • Welcome from your facilitator

    • Goal setting in the chat

    • 55 minutes of silent focus

    • Moment of reflection

    • Leave the session motivated

    What to expect

    🗣 20-60 fellow members
    🎤 Microphone not required
    📷 Camera recommended
    💻 Run on Zoom

    Take-Off icon


    4 sessions per day
    A 20-minute routine that combines meditation, journaling, and goal sharing with a small group.

    How it works

    • Begin with a short meditation

    • Journaling with a prompt

    • Share your goals for the day

    • Leave the session calm and ready to focus

    What to expect

    🗣 Small group of fellow members
    🎤 Microphone required
    📷 Camera recommended
    📝 You will need a pen and paper
    💻 Run on Zoom

    Drop-In icon


    All day
    An all-day silent co-working room you can join and leave at any time you like.

    How it works

    • Join at any time

    • Add your goal for the session in the sidebar

    • Keep the window visible or use Picture-in-Picture mode

    • Remember to take regular breaks to recharge your focus

    What to expect

    🗣 Silent co-working with fellow members
    🎤 Microphones deactivated
    📷 Camera recommended
    💻 Runs in your browser

    "Increases my confidence"

    FLOWN's focus sessions completely changed how I work. I'm more productive now than I have been for a long time – maybe ever. I am setting and meeting achievable goals, which increases my confidence.

    Hari Berrow
    PhD student & scriptwriter

    "Stimulating productivity"

    I've grappled with ADHD all my life. I find the FLOWN structure really helpful in stimulating productivity throughout my week. It's helped me progress through some intense episodes of distraction and procrastination.

    Ivan Carr
    Managing Director

    "Achieve more than I'd do alone"

    I've got severe ADHD so my work is often interrupted and I frequently feel stressed and overwhelmed. FLOWN helps me work calmly, get through my admin, and achieve more than I'd do on my own.

    Patricia Bidi

    Illustration content

    ADHD email coaching:

    Learn to do ADHD better in 7 days

    Get seven days of powerful insights, tips and tricks straight to your inbox from accredited ADHD coach and psychotherapist Sara-Jane Reilly.

    You will:

    • Learn to understand your unique ADHD brain

    • Overcome your barriers

    • Harness your ADHD to achieve what you’re truly capable of

    Sign up, and for a week you'll get daily expertise on how to manage your work and wellness to achieve your best.

    Main card image
    focus Focus


    Focus sessions that give you structure for your day, a supportive community to work with, and motivation to get things done.

    Explore Flocks >

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    recharge Recharge

    Take-Off Sessions

    A 20-minute routine that combines meditation, journaling, and goal setting with a small group.

    Explore Take-Offs >

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    focus Focus


    Take inspiration from others and train your brain to focus with these absorbing work-with-me films.

    Explore Portholes >

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    recharge Recharge


    Guided breathwork with a qualified coach – regular live sessions completely free for members.

    Explore Airflow >

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    recharge Recharge

    Awe Walks

    Join on your phone and step out for a restorative walk – we’ll guide you and connect you with your surroundings.

    Explore Awe Walks >

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    learn Learn


    The definitive ‘how it works’ guide for your brain. Learn how to focus with a range of insightful content.

    Explore the Academy >

    The UK government offers an Access To Work Grant to anybody who needs support to work effectively. See if you're eligible for an Access To Work Grant and learn how to apply, and how to use it to pay for FLOWN membership.

    Read our complete guide

    See our press cuttings

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    With our live events, fabulous facilitators and on-demand content, the FLOWN platform is on a mission to help everybody weave deep work into their lives.

    Join now, and discover a new way to think and work. You get 30 days completely free!

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