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    Welcome to FLOWN

    Overcome your productivity blockers with FLOWN – the virtual co-working platform that helps you focus on your work in online co-working sessions.

    Accelerate the progress on your thesis – Educational Studies PhD students get free access to the FLOWN platform until the end of September 2024.

    FLOWN is an online platform that provides 50+ live focus sessions a week to help you beat distraction and power through your work.

    FLOWN offers a timetable of 50+ virtual co-working sessions every week – led by fantastic facilitators, and ranging from hour-long sprints to two-hour Deep Dive sessions.

    An independent study by a leading university found that 96% of respondents reported significantly improved focus, and 94% reported a noticeable positive impact on their state of mind as a result of using FLOWN.

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    Join a community of real people and boost your own motivation by working alongside other people, any time you want. No need to pack up and go to the library.

    But it's about more than just support. Science shows that by telling other people your goals, you increase your chance of success by up to 95%.

    Give structure to your study time. With accountability sessions throughout the day and across timezones, FLOWN allows you to manage your focus by joining sessions at the best time for you.

    We also offer 24/7 Drop-In virtual co-working spaces – simply join and see who’s online to work alongside.

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    Your pilot includes dedicated sessions run by FLOWN for Educational Studies PhD students, so you can write and work together as a community.

    Make the world your library. Connect with people from across the globe to race through your to-dos and turn every challenge into a shared win.

    (Our sessions are called Flocks)

    Drop-In sessions

    • Available 24/7, join and leave at any time

    • Set your goal in the side panel, and take inspiration from what everyone else is working on

    • Work in the silent presence of other professionals from around the world

    🧠 Think of it like a...
    virtual library or co-working space

    Facilitated sessions

    • 1 or 2 hour sessions, led by our expert facilitators

    • Set your goal by text or in small groups for extra connection and accountability

    • Enjoy the camaraderie and positive energy of communal focus with your Flock

    🧠 Think of it like a...
    gym class for getting stuff done

    🤯 Not enough variety for you?

    FLOWN is the worlds's first communal focus platform.

    • Create your own private focus sessions for friends, family or colleagues to join for FREE

    • Design and run a focus session for your community

    • Hold yourself extra accountable by hosting a body doubling session for others

    • Run a focus session at a time that works for you, anywhere in the world.

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    Focus sessions that give you structure for your day, a supportive community to work with, and motivation to get things done.

    Explore Flocks >

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    An all-day silent co-working room you can drop in and out of at any time you like and get things done on your terms.

    Join a Drop-In now >

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    Take-Off Sessions

    A 20-minute routine that combines meditation, journaling, and goal setting with a small group.

    Explore Take-Offs >

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    Guided breathwork with a qualified coach – regular live sessions completely free for members.

    Explore Airflow >

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    Awe Walks

    Join on your phone and step out for a restorative walk – we’ll guide you and connect you with your surroundings.

    Explore Awe Walks >

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    Take inspiration from others and train your brain to focus with these absorbing work-with-me films.

    Explore Portholes >

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    The definitive ‘how it works’ guide for your brain. Learn how to focus with a range of insightful content.

    Explore the Academy >

    Sign up today to get access to all of the above and more for FREE.


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