The Awesome Actor
Becca’s a one-take wonder-woman who radiates calm, positive focus.
Professional voice artist, actor and trainer Rebecca knows all about pressure to perform to the highest standard. She believes the first act of creativity is to ‘sweep the floor’ – that it’s paramount to create space, physically and mentally, to achieve deep work.
Rebecca in 3 words. Energetic. Cheerful. Warm.
Upcoming sessions with Rebecca

with Rebecca

2 hour focus session
Deep Dive with Rebecca

2 hour focus session
Deep Dive with Rebecca
Thu 13th March

1 hour focus session
Power Hour with Rebecca

1 hour focus session
Power Hour with Rebecca
Fri 14th March

2 hour focus session
Deep Dive with Rebecca
Tue 18th March

with Rebecca

2 hour focus session
Deep Dive with Rebecca

with Rebecca
“Creativity is an endless source of joy. Art in all forms: live performance, TV, film, books, art, dance, music…is cathartic. it holds a mirror up to the world and it deeply moves us. It lets us feel joy, grief, fear and changes our state of being. It’s pure magic.”
What to expect from a session with Rebecca

Music + Movement = Mood-Booster!
React to a beat with a swaying stretch or a full-on dance! It doesn’t have to be structured; just one song and some body movement, even if it’s super-gentle or slow, can get your endorphins flowing, energise you and change your mood. With a hearing impairment, a vibrating speaker held close can have a similar effect.

Relaxed. Energising. Empowering.
Expect facial and upper body relaxation recharges, voice-work guidance and movement to music in Becca’s breaks.

Chilled grooves, electronic beats and classic dance
Rebecca’s music taste ranges from chilled soulful grooves to more upbeat electronica in her Deep Dives. A Power Hour might throw up some pacier UK garage or Ibiza club anthems. Either way, you’ll be carried effortlessly into a state of flow.

Get to know Rebecca

Rebecca is a professional voice artist
who trained in Wales and now lives in Spain.
The Barcelona-based actor is most productive in the early morning and late afternoon and thrives from a work day structured around moments of intense creative focus.
Her Flocks are focussed, playful and relaxed – it’s no surprise that Rebecca’s parents are teachers because her natural, easy-going gift for communication is clearly in her DNA.
What brings you to FLOWN?
It was actually FLOWN’s communication manager Tristan who brought me into the FLOWN fold. I jumped on to see what it was all about, read Deep Work by Cal Newport and thought it was all great. I’m a freelancer and as such, structure, scheduling and focus are all paramount for success. No-one’s going to tell you to get to your desk, record those demos, send emails, market yourself, prep for audition or write that script! You have to do it yourself. So FLOWN is an incredible space to practice dedicated deep work. I love sharing that with our community.
What keeps you motivated?
Taking breaks keeps me motivated. I find that if I’m lagging, simply taking a moment away from work and enjoying a change of scene is very powerful. Even if it’s a quiet break whilst the kettle boils, that reset can allow your mind to slow and give your body a chance to shift gear. This is why honouring the recharge in a Deep Dive is so important: these small resets are a glass of water for the brain; a breath of fresh air for the mind.
What makes you happy?
My work brings me huge fulfilment. I love anything creative and can craft for hours! My wonderful family in the UK are a huge source of happiness, love and support. I have an excellent friend group here in Barcelona: a meet-up in the sun or a hike in the mountains with them is a joy. SCUBA-diving is a passion because it’s like taking a walk in another world (plus no-one can talk to you and you definitely can’t look at your phone!). I like new things, too: I recently tried a musical theatre improv course and I now want to do it every day for the rest of my LIFE!
Where else might we find you?
You’ll find me in the studio, at the theatre or on set, or else I’ll be sea-swimming, going for walks and enjoying the sunshine in general (hence my home, Barcelona, is one of my favourite places in the world!).
Find out more at my website. www.rebeccatanwen.com
Have a listen to my podcast about improv: Let's See It