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    The Uplifting Anchor

    A thoughtful jester who brings lightness to deep places.

    Natasha is an experienced career change coach and Authentic Relating teacher who expertly supports people to feel more fulfilled and connected in all areas of their lives.

    Natasha in 3 words. Warm. Light. Balanced.


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    “Take playful things seriously and serious things playfully.

    Somewhere along the line, a lot of us were taught that work is supposed to be hard. But what if it wasn’t?"

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    Lighter = faster / Softer = swifter.

    Across my practices of natural horsemanship, AcroYoga and throwing clay on the wheel, one thing is consistently true: the lighter and softer you are, the faster you move and the swifter you’ll be. We’re taught to work ‘hard’ to get results; we reward the ‘struggle’ of tension, strain and force. But when you loosen your grip, the results have space to come on their own.

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    Refreshing. Nourishing. Connective.

    Simple, neuroscience-backed bodywork and mind exercises to help you rebalance and reconnect with yourself, your fellow Flownies and the world around you.

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    Your international flight to Focus-town

    From Senegalese lullabies to Brazilian afrobeat, Japanese jazz piano to 1950s Cuban electric guitar, Natasha’s deep work playlists will drop you into a global groove. Expect hypnotic rhythms, uplifting melodies and a light dusting of funk.

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    Get to know Natasha

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    Natasha is a curiosity-driven cross-pollinator...

    ...who draws on a range of disciplines to share ideas, in surprising and memorable ways, via her online courses, workshops and group retreats.

    Her applied neuroscience training means Natasha moves participants skilfully from grounded deep work to goofy recharges and back. Natasha’s career-change coach work – a decade of designing and running transformative online experiences – has helped thousands of people find and move into more fulfilling careers.

    What brings you to FLOWN?

    In 2012 I left the UK to become a digital nomad and work online while living out of a backpack. I’ve been a horse whisperer in the Greek mountains, yurt-sat in the Caribbean, built and lived in a treehouse in the Costa Rican jungle, hitchhiked across West Africa and crewed a 75ft sailboat on the Adriatic. Along the way, I felt a loneliness that unsettled me deeply – so much so, I now run retreats on the art and science of meaningful connection. I’m not a natural deep worker and I empathise with those who struggle to find flow states. Bringing all my skills and passions together at FLOWN, where we combine community, science-backed insights and effective deep work, simply made sense.

    What keeps you motivated?

    I love nothing more than discovering something new and sharing it with people – whether that’s an idea, a cloud in the sky, a story, a scientific theory… Ultimately, if someone’s day is just a little bit easier because I showed up in it, that’s all the motivation I need. If my general MO could be summed up in a quote, it would be Mary Oliver’s Instructions for Living a Life:

    1. Pay attention. 2. Be astonished. 3. Tell about it.

    What makes you happy?

    The simple, the wonky and the weird. Quail’s eggs. Beautiful toys. Ugly animals. Movies where nothing much happens. Other people’s birthdays. Train journeys. My dog. People who snort when they laugh. Diane Keaton.

    Where else might we find you?

    I’m currently based in the Canary Islands and have a mishmash of pastimes and practices: pottery, sailing, AcroYoga, neuroscience study, classical clowning and playing blues piano – all alongside working on my first book. I love to recharge on a mountain hikes with my dog, Morgan. He’s an elderly gent of unknown origins: part lion, part bat, part mountain dragon.