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    The Energetic Empowerer

    Karla brings the energy and vibe to the party…

    Karla is a certified breathwork facilitator who, after a dozen years, ‘retired’ from non-profits and crises services to share her tools on stage, in books and online. Her grounded, energetic approach and warm vibe is always present on Flocks.

    Karla in 3 words. Charismatic. Uplifting. Resilient.


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    “Your energy is everything. Take aligned action in the direction of your dreams, as if your success is inevitable, because it is. In every action you take, you either get the outcome you desire or the lesson needed to achieve it.”

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    Listen to your Human

    The more you listen to what your Human needs and do that, the more energy, joy and fulfilment you’ll have. Need rest? I love to medi-nap, (I lay down, meditate and give myself permission to take a nap). Need energy? Move your body to music. Need play? Then go unleash your inner kiddo. Need connection? Find your people. We are here for ya at FLOWN.

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    Energy-shifting. Thoughtful. Empowering.

    Karla loves to combine a little bit of breathwork and some mindful play with some movement, to shift the energy and get the blood flowing, making sure you’re ready to take on whatever the day holds.

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    Mood-boosting cool beats

    Karla likes to get your mind, body, and soul in flow with some mood-boosting cool beats. You might feel like you were transported to the good ol’ hip hop days, a swanky club, or a house party; one thing’s for sure, your energy will be high.

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    Get to know Karla

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    Karla may be ‘Docter’ by name only...

    ...but she’s more than happy to write a script that’ll help you pursue your heart’s desires.

    Whether that’s to have a bit of fun and allow your true self to come out and play, or to follow a big goal, dream or desire, Karla grants you permission!

    Karla’s learned to turn obstacles into opportunities and loves to share her ‘she-shed’ of tools with others, so that everyone can have a fulfilling life and career.

    What brings you to FLOWN?

    My deep work practice started back in 2011 when I was promoted to senior management at a non-profit, and I needed a way to find harmony in my personal and professional life. That’s when I discovered the power of the breath and deep work. I found FLOWN accidentally (though I don’t believe in accidents) and I was hooked. Not only was I seeking this type of platform and community to help me become more focused and productive but I was also extremely excited to get to share the magic of the breath, energy hacks and productivity tricks with others!

    What keeps you motivated?

    Being able to brighten someone’s day gives me life! I’ve been through some tough times and I know that I didn’t make it this far simply to make it this far, and I didn’t do it by myself. Sharing a smile, some wisdom or a tool can go a long way and that energy is contagious!

    What makes you happy?

    I am a personal and professional development junkie and have found that the more I seek happiness from within, the more joy radiates into my life. Things that help me tap into my happy are quality time with my family and friends, snuggles with my kiddo, sunsets on the beach, dressing up and hitting the town for an adventure, music (especially live), the occasional adult beverage, networking or generally connecting with others, and volunteering.

    Where else might we find you?

    When I’m not online teaching and holding space for others, you can find me mingling with others at local leadership or networking events, playing pool, going on a local adventure, coffee with a friend, soaking up nature in my backyard, or channeling my inner 4 year old on the playground or at the park with my son.

    Online I am everywhere as Karla with a ‘K’, Docter with an ‘er’, @karladocter - here are my social media links:





    And this is my website.