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    The Witty Wanderer

    Jack is our pilot guiding us to environmental equilibrium.

    Jack’s a visualisation guide whose calm presence combines an open, authentic and no nonsense work approach. He's an environmentalist with experience in small and big business across a variety of industries. A bit of a Jack of all trades...

    Jack in 3 words. Authentic. Dryly-Witty. Calming.


    Upcoming sessions with Jack

    Fetching events for you...

    “The last thing that you want to do is the first thing that you need to do. Putting things off is not a good feeling. If you can harness the confidence, willpower and support to challenge yourself a little, then the rest of the day becomes better!”

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    Urgency is overrated

    Although there is nothing like a good deadline to kick you into flow you don’t want to cause yourself overwhelm or extra stress. Your wellbeing is important and so when it comes to heightened demands, just chill, approach it calmly and carefully.

    And don’t tell people to chill, it doesn’t go down well. 

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    Relaxed. Restorative. Reflective.

    Jack’s deep, dulcet tones lead body-scan meditations and visualisations to feel grounded and restored. Expect a game to be thrown into the mix when the room needs it!

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    Calmly does it with Jack

    Jack believes you need to be eased into flow state and so for him, calmly usually does it. Think cinematic chillout, binaural beats or the occasional whale soundtrack. Although, when energy is low, he’ll have curated something with that much-needed electronic hit!

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    Get to know Jack

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    FLOWN’S Awe Walk aficionado Jack... a Sustainable Development and Business Management graduate experienced in strategy and change management.

    In pursuit of fulfilment, Jack created his own eco-facing enterprise up-cycling textile waste into clothing. He is also director for another sustainability clothing company ReJean Denim. He even provides wellness resources and support (via research and coaching) for content creators operating in the sustainability space. We are all appropriately in awe.

    Jack’s philosophy? “Life is not a problem to solve but a reality to experience”.

    What brings you to FLOWN?

    I’ve a strong belief in FLOWN, its values and what we’re all trying to do here. Helping people find more effective, productive ways of working while, at the same time, encouraging rest, balance and connection, aligns with my own views on life. In order to make progress, there needs to be an element of challenge in the workday – a sense of being ‘uncomfortable’. However, there must be balance between work and rest with an appreciation of where your energy’s ‘at’ and an awareness of the support you need.

    What keeps you motivated?

    I’m motivated when I have an impact on others, creating value and benefit to peoples’ work and wellbeing. I’ve grafted far and wide from the City of London to off-grid on a Virginia farm and I’ve arrived at the desire for deep work combined with a dedication to creating community. I appreciate having career autonomy and flexibility and I love supporting our Flownies to find balance, especially as I learn more around psychology and meaningful connection. Ideas and innovations keep me interested, too.

    What makes you happy?

    Having time to fully switch off. Being outside whenever possible. Deep Meaningful Conversations (DMCs). Arsenal Football Club (AFC) (this season). Tennis, golf and football. Meditation, yoga and swimming. Escapist cinema like Lord of the RingsLa La Land and Castaway. Oh, and cinnamon rolls, obviously.

    Where else might we find you?

    At the football or out in nature – and I enjoy relaxing practices like yoga and meditation. Online, when not on a Flock, I operate incognito with a very small digital footprint (which is beneficial for my mental health, though not necessarily for my career!).