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    Daily focus sessions

    Co-working sessions that give you structure for your day, a supportive community to work with, and motivation to get things done.

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    Different ways to focus

    Deep Dive icon

    Deep Dive

    5 sessions per day
    A 2-hour virtual focus session with goal setting to a small group and a guided break activity.

    How it works

    • Welcome from your facilitator

    • Goal setting in breakout rooms

    • 50 minutes of silent focus

    • Optional guided break activity

    • 50 minutes of silent focus

    • Goal reflection in breakout rooms

    • Leave the session feeling a sense of progress

    What to expect

    đź—Ł 20-60 fellow members
    đź—Ł Breakout rooms of 3-4 members
    🎤 Microphone required
    đź“· Camera recommended
    đź’» Run on Zoom

    Power Hour icon

    Power Hour

    2 sessions per day
    A 1-hour virtual focus session with less interaction and goal setting in the chat.

    How it works

    • Welcome from your facilitator

    • Goal setting in the chat

    • 55 minutes of silent focus

    • Moment of reflection

    • Leave the session motivated

    What to expect

    đź—Ł 20-60 fellow members
    🎤 Microphone not required
    đź“· Camera recommended
    đź’» Run on Zoom

    Take-Off icon


    4 sessions per day
    A 20-minute routine that combines meditation, journaling, and goal sharing with a small group.

    How it works

    • Begin with a short meditation

    • Journaling with a prompt

    • Share your goals for the day

    • Leave the session calm and ready to focus

    What to expect

    đź—Ł Small group of fellow members
    🎤 Microphone required
    đź“· Camera recommended
    đź“ť You will need a pen and paper
    đź’» Run on Zoom

    Drop-In icon


    All day
    An all-day silent co-working room you can join and leave at any time you like.

    How it works

    • Join at any time

    • Add your goal for the session in the sidebar

    • Keep the window visible or use Picture-in-Picture mode

    • Remember to take regular breaks to recharge your focus

    What to expect

    đź—Ł Silent co-working with fellow members
    🎤 Microphones deactivated
    đź“· Camera recommended
    đź’» Runs in your browser

    But don't just take our word for it.

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    "Sprint towards progress"

    I love FLOWN and encourage my team to get stuck into the platform. We use the co-working sessions to focus together and sprint towards progress. It's a no-brainer because it boosts their achievement and sense of wellbeing.

    Dan Murray

    Co-founder, Heights

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    "Achieve more than I'd do on my own"

    I've got severe ADHD so my work is often interrupted and I frequently feel overwhelmed. FLOWN helps me work calmly, get through my admin, and achieve more than I'd do on my own.

    Patricia Bidi


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    "Increases my confidence"

    FLOWN has completely changed how I work. A few hours of really meaningful deep work helps me feel like I’m really achieving something. I'm more productive now than I have been for a long time.

    Hari Berrow

    PhD student & scriptwriter

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    "Focus on big tasks"

    FLOWN is perfect to focus on big tasks. I get the headspace to get stuck in without being distracted by calls and emails. I get work done in less time than it would take me previously just by cutting out the distractions.

    Ashleigh Kelly

    Head of Finance

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    "Block out distractions"

    As a developer, I really value being able to block out distractions and work in a focused way, uninterrupted, for blocks of time. I find Awe Walks great for switching off, too!

    Jonander Elosua

    Full-stack developer


    With 80+ hours of scheduled weekly focus sessions, you'll never be without an accountability buddy and you can work to your own schedule.

    One- and two-hour facilitated sessions help you focus on anything from life admin tasks to tackling your biggest projects.

    Plus, round-the-clock Drop-In sessions let you focus on your terms – join and leave anytime with no pressure or commitment.

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    Expert facilitation

    At the heart of what we offer are the charismatic personalities that guide our live experiences and provide the space for you to do your best work.

    Amongst our family of 20+ facilitators you'll find storytellers, breathwork coaches, productivity pros, mindfulness masters, writers, yogis, creatives and many more.

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    Your new community

    Something magical happens when you join with others to focus. You feel part of something greater… It can be a personally transformative experience.

    FLOWN’s community of freelancers, students, artists, professionals, writers (and more) from all over the world encourage and motivate each other as they work.

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    Despite the chaotic demands of modern work, the conditions that enable focus, creativity and fulfilment at work are actually known to science.

    FLOWN is designed to leverage neuroscience, social science and creative best practice to help you do your best work, while feeling your best self.


    Accountability is to do with the positive social pressure that’s experienced when our actions are answerable to peers.

    Flow states

    It's the state when you're completely absorbed by and deeply focused on something, where nothing can distract you. Tap into this super-power and get "in the zone" every day.

    Body doubling

    When in the presence of others — whether it be real or virtual, you're tapping into powerful psychological hacks that make you perform better and help you focus.


    Having an implementation intention means means having a clearly defined plan for when and how you will accomplish a goal, which increases the likelihood that you will follow through.

    Play and exploration

    As well as reducing stress hormones such as cortisol, playful exploration helps to trigger divergent thinking – an ideal brain state for problem-solving and creativity.


    Research has shown that walking, especially outdoors, can significantly boost creativity, problem-solving ability, and cognitive performance.

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    The Productivity Pro

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    The Creativity Cajoler

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    The Calm Contemplative

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    The Inspirational Visionary

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    The Quirky Breathwork Coach

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    Ready to take a step to greater productivity?

    Get your 30-day free trial now and start to weave deep work into your day.


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